Sunday, May 22, 2011

It's a Quilting Emergency!

Well, I have just spent a wonderful day quilting.  Josh has his last day of school on Friday, and darn it, I am determined that Mrs. Hargrave is getting a quilt from me!  She has been the most wonderful teacher ever and Josh has been lucky to be with her this past 2 years.  My daughter Rachel also got to be with Mrs. Hargrave during her 1st and 2nd grade years.  She is the GREATEST teacher ever! I have been planning her quilt for a long time...picked the fabrics from my stash some time ago.  But with all the stuff mom's home was destroyed by a tornado...Candice graduated from college...Spring Quilt!  I just haven't gotten the quilt finished.  Well, I am counting down....5 days to go.  Let's see how I do! Here's how far I got today...

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! You have quite a bit done already, beautiful work by the way :)
